Some Kinda Wonderful

All of you are seriously some kinda wonderful. I asked for help and got such a huge response that I am blown away. Because of all of you, I will have plenty of testimonials to place on this site in the coming weeks, and hopefully, this will lead to continuing business with those who took a chance on me and new business from those who are inspired by the word of their fellow designers.

If you came here looking for the free offer, all the slots have been filled. However, I am offering all new clients 15% off their first pattern edit with me. Interested? Here is the not-so-fine-print:

  • You must be a brand new, I-never-edited-for-you-before-now client.
  • You have to contact me directly by email, [email protected] to get your discount code before April 1, 2019. Extended through April 15, 2019!!!
  • There is no booking expiration date. I understand patterns take time to write, so contact me to get your code now, and use it later when your pattern is ready for editing.
  • This is for one (1) pattern only. If you have 2 or more patterns bundled, the 15% be deducted from only one pattern; the other pattern(s) in the bundle will be at my normal rate.

I look forward to hearing from you!!!

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