Free Offer! And Gratitude!

I’ve been overwhelmed with all the love and support I’ve received since I launched last week. Thank you, everyone, so much! I truly appreciate all the kind comments, emails, and likes! And a very special thank you to my husband, Justin, for all the help and support. It makes diving into a new venture so much easier (and less scary!) with him beside me.

In order to get my business really up and running, I need clients. I get that designers might not be hip on spending money to have their designs edited, may not think it’s a worthwhile investment, or not sure if they want to give this rookie a try. I completely understand, which is why I am offering free tech editing services in exchange for testimonials.

Yes, I mean FREE.

So why would I give away my services for free? Because getting honest feedback is priceless to ANY business, but particularly to a fledgling business like mine. Giving designers a risk-free way of giving me a chance is like those free samples at the grocery store…and who doesn’t like free samples? They get an idea of what to expect from me, if they like how I helped them with their pattern, and if it’s worth coming back and paying me for tech editing a future design. Maybe they don’t come back, but because I have their feedback, I know how I can improve myself and my business, which is still incredibly valuable to me. More importantly, that feedback, once published on this site, gives potential clients the confidence to work with me, which is worth its weight in gold in the small business world.

So, what do you think? Ready to give me a try? Still have questions? Email me now at [email protected].

***3/23/19 Update!***
All the free slots have been filled, but I have another offer for new clients. Go check it out!

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